Use a text editor to edit the "user.cfg" file in the game directory. (20) Become a true ranger.Note: This procedure involves editing a game file create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Quick-witted (30) Break the support and activate the chandelier in less than 20 seconds.First blood (5) What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.Sherlock (20) Found all gold ammo, hidden throughout the stations.Realist (10) A coin for a hungry kid? Get a job.Generous (10) Help the poor, a coin for the kid, medicine for the sick.Explorer (30) There is no place in metro you did not visit.You know everyone and have seen everything. Metro dweller (20) A true metro citizen.Scrooge (30) Save 500 military grade rounds.Hedge-hopper (30) On the level "Frontline" kill all of the enemy Red Army and Fascist Soldiers.Invisible man (40) Complete "Frontline" level without killing anyone.Heavy Metal (20) Kill 15 enemies using stationary machine gun.Quick Draw (30) On the level "Hunter" kill the nosalises before they break through the ventilation grilles.Pyro (20) Kill 5 enemies with a flamethrower.Merciful (30) Complete the level "Black Station" without killing any Fascist Soldiers.DJ Artyom (30) On the level "Outpost" reach the radio tower and broadcast the commander's message.Fugitive (30) Complete level "Armory" without getting caught.Slice & Dice (30) Kill 20 enemies with the knife.Ninja (30) Kill 10 enemies with throwing knives.Raider (30) On the level "Depot" silently kill the first guard and break into the Fascist station unnoticed.Tank Buster (20) Destroy fascists' Panzer.Rescue Ranger (30) Save a group of "Reds" from Fascist captivity.Cowboy (30) Kill 30 enemies using revolvers.Air gunner (30) Kill 30 enemies using pneumatic weapons.Demolitionist (30) Blow up the tunnel and airlock at "Cursed" station.Exorcist (20) Complete levels "Ghosts" and "Anomaly" without dying.Old school (30) Kill 30 enemies with the double-barreled shotgun.Ranger (30) Find all Ranger stashes in Dead City 1 and 2.Wheeler-Dealer (25) Exchange 500 Military Grade 5.45 rounds at Exchange kiosks.Metro Trader (20) Make 10 deals in weapon shops.Always sell off ammo of guntypes you don't use to earn money to buy these. Always restock on filters and ammo in every area you come into. Always be conservative! Never ever spray and pray in this game always make sure your shots take 3 or less shots to finish the opponent off. The other is achieved by just going along without sparing any bullets to anyone and you blow the "mutants" up. Alternative endings one is achieved by giving to everyone throughout the game and helping everyone and shooting the laser designator off the edge at the end. NEVER give the hooker money she will bring you into a trap and steal all your money. Buy ammo then guns this will keep you away from the absence of ammo during intense fights. Buy lots of filters and ammo ahead of time. Don't waste money on things you don't need.

Here some tips while you play it through. If you search around you will find easy money and be able to afford great guns. What I have learned after playing this game a couple of times is that the best way to play this game is by taking it nice and slow and exploring as much as possible.